Let our hometown treat you while you stay.

Welcome from our hometown of Burke, South Dakota.

Here at L Two Lodging you will find a variety of room options to choose from. We have rooms with single beds, double or triple beds, and even a suite option. We hope to eventually have a larger unit that will also fit a bigger group in one area. Here in Burke you can find a restaurant, coffee shop and bakery, gym, golf course, grocery store, farmers market, updated park with a splash pad and courts, and so much more. We also have a 24 hour access Emergency Department and a clinic with Saturday walk-in hours right in the middle of town.

We allow your pets to come stay with you for a small fee of $10/day, and you will have access to our off-site fitness center on main street for $8/day or $18/week.

We are very proud of our local community and we hope you enjoy your time here with us!

We derived our company name from a combination of factors.




was our late grandfather, Herris Lambley’s, brand that he used his entire life on all his livestock. Upon his passing, the brand was willed to me, Dillon Lambley, with the reasoning being I was the 2nd Lambley grandson born. Secondly, the fact that two of us are coming together as siblings, friends, and business partners.  Neither of us, the L Two Lodging owners, Dillon Lambley and Cheyenne Lambley, would be where we are today without the display of hard work, perseverance, honesty, and good old fashioned tough love from our grandfather. As a symbol of our gratitude to him, a representation of the brand that defines the motives and purposes he instilled in us, and two siblings working as a unit to create a clean, comfortable, and enjoyable stay, we formed our L TWO LODGING name. 

Grandpa Herris was our hero. We have many traits and characteristics that he molded into us. Growing up, he taught us the value of hard work, keeping your word through a firm handshake, and being dedicated and disciplined to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Many summers were spent in the hayfield, calving/branding seasons, and Saturday’s together with him at the sale barn. Through these experiences, we learned many valuable life lessons. Some days were extremely hard, but we always found the good in each day.

The man behind the brand, who molded us into the people we are today, continues to live his legacy. The characteristics that we carry on of being honest, hard-working, and loving/caring people which we want you, our customers to experience are traits we learned at a very young age that continue to be a daily part of our lives.

We look forward to meeting you and cannot wait to hear what brings you to our hometown! Welcome to Burke, South Dakota.

And, welcome to L Two Lodging!


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(605) 775-2654